O Scale Central, Inc.
11937 Stratford Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73120

Minutes of the Board Meeting, August 10, 2020

The Meeting was conducted by ZOOM.

Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Joe Norman – Treasurer
Richard Donaway – Member
Brian Huang – Member
Michael Walter – Member
Sam Shumaker -Past President
Nick Bulgarino – Advisor
Rich Randall – Advisor
David Vaughn – Advisor
John Wubbel – Advisor

The meeting was called to order by the President at about 8:30 pm EDT

The minutes of the July Meeting were approved with all yea votes.

The Secretary’s Report: George – There were 124 paid members for 2020, 65 for 2021,
19 for 2022, 7 for 2023 and 1 for 2024. I will send an e-mail remimder to pay delinquent dues.

The Treasurer’s Report: Joe.
Bank Balance 06/30/2020 $7,883.64
Deposits: Dues/Misc. $0.00
Total Deposits $0.00
Less Checks and Payments -$111.50
PayPal Fees $0.00
Total Expenses -$111.50
Bank Balance 07/31/2020 $7,772.14
In Transit
Deposits $45.41
Outstanding Checks -$167.50
Available Balance 8/10//2020 $7,650.05

The two reports were voted all Yeas.

Modular Layouts Report: Rich Randall – The committee is working on spacing standards radii. etc.
John has a computer program for 3-D printable corners that could be used by anyone nationwide.
It was suggested we should have a kit anyone can use to build modules. Those kits would have to
be assembled before shows and not assembled and dis-assembled at the shows. Bruce believes
that 3-D printing is the future of O Scale modules. Nick, our younger member, needs a module now
to show his age group. They llke things simple and easy, well, they’re our future.

O Scale Central Report: David – 10 people have contributed to the dialogue, more of our community
need to contribute. We need participation by vendors, suppliers, hobby shops, anybody doing
something in O Scale. Board members and general members can talk about how they got started,
their first projects, first layout, etc. For example , Nick was drug to a train show and then well
mentored. That points out the need for a strong mentoring program. Should we reduce train show
fees for new young prospects? Blog is doing well. Board members need to post on blog.

Old Business:
Chicago: Still a go. 85% of first batch of rooms sold, we’re good until January. If cancelled, OSK
will still host a mini-convention for those who can’t cancel rooms.
Venture Capital Cars, all sold.
Bruce still needs artwork for our trifold display booths. Any simple artwork will do.
Cleveland: Sam will stay open and cancel at last minute if need be. Social distancing will be required.
Bruce requests all buyers and sellers wear masks. It’s a small price to pay to get transactions to happen.
Ask all your friends to wear masks. He is proposing a face mask contest with train themes.
We need submissions for “What’s on Your Workbench?”.
Board Election: Nominations so far, David for President, Nick for Secretary, Mike for board member.
Nominations due to Sam by 9/30/20, info Bruce. This should be the last year of mailed ballots, next
year should be by e-mail. Do we want another 2 board members?, Question will be on ballot.

New Business:
Who will help at the Strasberg and Cleveland shows. We need more Help.
Richard has about 16 yellow shirts meant for the St Louis show rhat can be decorated for Board
Members for train shows.
What’s new in the hobby? Not much. Many Questions about MTH. Sunset dropping distributors.
Bruce is hoping for 2 or 3 modules at Cleveland to show we mean business about modules.
2020 National: Bob says the web site is up, negotiations are going well with the hotel, getting a
Facebook page. There are still concerns about the virus.
We need to get hobby shops to tell us about themselves on the web, that may spur others to get
involved. We need to reach out to proto 48ers, those who have layouts, all the groups on Facebook
and ask them to join O Scale Central. We need to get the word out on all social media.
Hall of fame. We have 4 nominations so far. Nominations due by 9/22/2020. George will get plaques
which may have to be mailed if no shows are available

Our next meeting will be Monday, October 12, 2020 at 8:30 pm Eastern, 7:30 Central, 6:30 Mountain
and 5:30 Pacific. Please note the TIME CHANGE!

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 EDT.


George Wallace

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