Minutes of the Board Meeting, September 9, 2019
The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com
Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Dan Dawdy – Member
Rick Liebich – Member
Mike Walter – Member
Sam Shumaker – Past President
David Vaughn – Advisor
The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:02 CDT
The minutes of the August Meeting were approved with all yea votes.
The Secretary’s Report: There are 203 paid members for 2019, 20 for 2020, 16 for 2021,
12 for 2022, and 2 for 2023. All time and 2019 master lists and e-mail lists have been
sent to Dan Dawdy.
The Treasurer’s Report: Once again, prepared by the Secretary. The Treasurer
should be fully recovered by the next meeting.
Beginning balance – August 12,, 2019 $7,657.36
Income $75.22 $0.02
Expenses $204.24 -$773.74
Bank Balance – September 9, 2019 $6,883.64
Owed to us by PayPal $262.82
Total balance $7,146.46
We have paid for our registration at the 2020 Amherst show.
Motions were made and seconded to approve both reports. Both received all yea votes.
Old Business:
2020 SONC – John Wuppel was not with us tonight to give report.
Convention Model Contest – Catagories and judging rules to be determined.
Prize – OSK membership and engraved plaque was considered best. Bruce
will work on this project. Should we build a Diorama for use at shows. Problems included
cost and who is to build it, weight and transportation costs, damage from transportation and
handling. David Vaughn suggested an alternative – a light weight tri fold display like several
organizations use with O Scale models displayed. Models to be furnished by local modelers
to avoid damage incurred in shipping models. This could also limit the use of our big display
booth to only large shows. Can we go to a pay system to set up and man our booth, without
making employees out of the workers?
Dues – $10 does not provide enough income to promote the hobby. We get about
$6.00 of useable income per member, After considerable discussiion it was voted that dues
should be raised to $24/year beginning January 1, 2020. The rules will be added to the
registration form. New members can pay $2/month for the rest of 2019. David suggested that
we have 2 premium membership classes. All annual dues will be due January 1st. Mugs
may be given members as an incentive.
Seed money for SONCs – We can provide start-up money (greatest need) for future SONCs to
be paid back after show or used to cover losses. Amounts to be derermined. A portion of
dues could be dedicated to this fund or we could have a fund raiser. It was decided more
research on this proposal is required.
Indy Meet – OSK meeting will be at 08:00 am Saturday morning. The open subjects discussed
tonight will be on the agenda. John Wubbel, Bruce Blackwood, George Wallace, Rick Liebich,
Dan Dawdy, David Vaughn and Jim Canter plan to attend.
Bruce asks all board members to find local modelers to be on membership committee.
Board elections are approaching, we need nominees soon.
Upcoming Shows: Southwest O Scale Meet, Cleveland Meet, Atlanta Meet, and Chicago March Meet. We should have a presence at all of them.
Friends recently departed. Steve Neill, Mike Hill, and Ron from Ron’s Books.
Our next meeting will be Monday, October 14 at 8:00 pm CDT.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm CDT.
George Wallace