Minutes of the Board Meeting, October 14, 2019
The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com
Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Bob Plageman – Treasurer
Rick Liebich – Member
Mike Walter – Member
Sam Shumaker – Past President
John Wubbel – 2020 SONC Chairman
The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:02 CDT
The minutes of the September Meeting were approved with all yea votes.
The Secretary’s Report: There are 212 paid members for 2019, 52 for 2020, 23 for 2021, 13 for 2022, and 3 for 2023. Members are investing in our future which is encouraging.
The Treasurer’s Report: Prepared by the Secretary.
Beginning balance – September 9, 2019 $7,146.46
Income $222.01
Expenses -$477.50
Ending Balance – October 14, 2019 $6,890.97
(corrected for paypal income misreported)
Motions were made and seconded to approve both reports. Both received all yea votes.
2020 SONC – John Wuppel reported that we need to get the website operational as people are2020 SONC – John Wuppel reported that we need to get the website operational as people are already trying to trying to register for the convention. He has a firm point of contact that can get us a room and help with our other concerns. An OSK general membership meeting will be
scheduled. The logo is almost ready and will be voted on by the convention committee soon.
The following convention areas were discussed and voted on.
Model Contest. Judging will be done by the NMRA judges and the O Scale model with theModel Contest. Judging will be done by the NMRA judges and the O Scale model with the highest score will get our prize. That will be a free 2 year OSK membership and an engraved plaque.
Diorama for Display Booth. The dirama was voted down in favor of a table with a tri-fold Diorama for Display Booth. The dirama was voted down in favor of a table with a tri-fold display and O Scale models furnished by local modelers.
Convention Cars: May purchase remaining inventory of 2018 SONC cars. MTH will work with usConvention Cars: May purchase remaining inventory of 2018 SONC cars. MTH will work with us with a car from their new catalog. Type car and new decals to be determined. Not expected to be a big money maker. Maybe NMRA can sell our items.
Clinics: Board members need to be looking for O Scalers to put on clinics at the National.Clinics: Board members need to be looking for O Scalers to put on clinics at the National.
Fund Raiser for futue SONCs: To Provide seed money to sponsors as a loan, not an endowment.Fund Raiser for futue SONCs: To Provide seed money to sponsors as a loan, not an endowment.
We could use $4 to $5 from our dues, or sell OSK coffee cups or an OSK boxcar. Many ideas were floated about such a car. Will our 501-3C status protect us from sales taxes?
Vendor Input: We should query all large and small dealers for their ideas about participating in a National convention.
New Business:
Dues – Our dues are firmly set at $24/year starting January 1, 2019 except for the offer of $10/year for 2020 and 2021 if paid before January 1, 2019.
Official at MTH believes 2 Rail is the future of O Scale and 3 rail will phase out. Sam thinks most of us will go Proto 48.
Bruce met with the S scale President and feels we should do an RMC supplement like theirs.
Possibly David Vaughn could head up the project.
Board elections are approaching, we need nominees soon. We will vote on a treasurer and two board members.
Upcoming Shows: Southwest O Scale Meet, Cleveland Meet, Atlanta Meet, and Chicago March March Meet. We should have a presence at all of them.
We lost our friend Ron Sebastian, owner of Des Plaines Hobbies, on October 2 to a heart problem. Charlie Morrill, our former fellow board member, fell in mid October and shattered his hip Full recovery is expected.
Our next meeting will be Monday, November 11, 2019 at 8:00 pm CDT.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm CDT.
George Wallace