Minutes of the Board Meeting, November 11, 2019
The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com
Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Bob Plageman – Treasurer
Dan Dawdy – member
Rick Liebich – Member
Sam Shumaker – Past President
John Wubbel – 2020 SONC Chairman
The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:01 CST
The minutes of the October Meeting were approved with all yea votes.
The Secretary’s Report: There are 207 paid members for 2019, 56 for 2020, 25 for 2021,
13 for 2022, and 3 for 2023. Members are still investing in our future which is encouraging.
The Treasurer’s Report: Prepared by the Secretary.
Bank balance – September 30, 2019 $6,776.15
Income $491.30
Expenses -$377.86
Bank Balance – October 31, 2019 $6,889.59
income since statement including that owed OSK by PayPal $156.70
Expenses since Statement -$111.50
Balance as of November 11, 2019 $7,046.29
Motions were made and seconded to approve both reports. Both received all yea votes.
2020 SONC – John Wuppel reported that the committee meets every Tuesday night. They have finalized the logo and are working on a convention car. It will be either a new MTH Hopper or a reworked 2018 SONC reefer. Vendors will receive a questionnaire about their thoughts and suggestions for the SONC. The convention website is up and running. We must get our info on the NMRA Website including info on our convention cars. The clinic room will be open from 8:00 am until 9:00 pm. The two convention debacle has been resolved, St Louis is the only one. Our booth’s location not resolved, there will be no diorama – only a trifold display.
Southwest O Scale Meet: I reported that we had 72 attendees, filled 46 tables. Had only one no show. It is only a small show but netted $450.00 for our club.
Cleveland Show. Sam reported 100 attended plus 39 dealers. It was quite successful.
Old Business: The switch from yahoo to io was discussed. It was voted to not spend the $220 transfer fee but go with the free site.
The Supplement to RMC was discussed. We need prices for the advertisers, and get their commitments. Based on that response, the size can be determined. We must fill it with articles offering new and interesting info to attract new O Scalers. It should be a break even project. We need a project manager to get articles written and everything finalized for fall 2020 issue. RMc will run just the supplement of 1,000 for minimal cost. We can hand these out at train shows.
New business: Should we put the proposed name change on our Board Election ballot? There has been general apathy about the change but some are adament about doing it. Subject to further discussion. We need new people to step forward and run for office. There is only one volunteer so far.
20020 SONC Welcome Party. Everyone will be invited. We need a price estimate John will get it for us.
Our next meeting will be Monday, January 13, 2019 at 8:00 pm CST. Please note the changed phone number and access code on the invitation.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm CDT.
George Wallace Secretary