Minutes of the Board Meeting, June 10, 2019

The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com

Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Bob Plageman, Treasurer
Dan Dawdy – Member
Rick Liebich – Member
Rod Miller -Advisor
Daniel Mason – Advisor
John Wubbel – Chair 2020 SONC

The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:03 pm CST.

The minutes of the April Meeting were approved.

The Secretary’s Report: There are 186 paid members for 2019.
This is in answer to : How much has been paid in advance dues?
Canter, gift – 148.00, 2020 dues – $420.00, 2021 dues – $155.00, 2022 dues – $115.00,
2023 Dues – $20 = Total – $858

The Treasurer’s Report – This is for both April and May.
Beginning balance $7,516.08
Income $75.22 $1,019.22
Expenses $204.24 $388.24
Ending Balance $8,147.06

A motion was made to accept both Officer’s report’s. It was seconded and approved.

Old business: Atlas switch problems were discussed. Wide frog flangesways are the problem.
Both Bob Plageman and Rod Miller agreed that the 2019 O Scale West/SONC Meet was a
success. Attendance was good and the show did not lose money. The OSK meeting had new
attendees, many younger modelers. No pessimism was detected. Our future looks good.
Bob and Rod will write a report of the meet for our web-site.

New Business: Bruce introduced the new (volunteer) chairman of the 2020 SONC. He is
John Wuffel of Northeast PA. A brief bio: long time O Scale 2 Railer, scratch builds his locos,
in other words – well qualified. Most of the meeting was a discussion of National conventions,
2020 in particular. The main points were that we will try to piggy-back on the 2020 NMRA
National Train Meet in St Louis, July 12 through 18, subject to pricing, room/display space
availability and other details to be worked out with the NMRA folks in charge. We will
definitely need to have our diplay booth in the main hall with committed volunteers to
man it. We need to enlist our St Louis O scalers to assist in the planning, such as Forrrest
Trent, our former secretary. Bruce proposed that we host a Welcomeing Party for anyone
interested in O 2 Rail. We would need good models, our booth and a modular layout to be
effective. It would be a good use of our money. He also proposed monetary awards for
winning contest models. We may have to pay a modular group to bring their layout.
Dan Dawdy will work with NMRA people on how to present us on their web-site. We may
put on clinics for NMRA such as Rick Liebich on “Dead Rail”.

The vendor offering discounts to OSK members made no sales. We need to find large
inventory vendors with more items to offer.

Bruce encourges all to double down on recruiting – every member, get a member.

Our next meeting will be Monday, July 8th at 8:00 pm CST.
Dial -in number: 605-313-4185.
Access Code: 961787.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm CST


George Wallace