Minutes of the Board Meeting, July 8th, 2019

The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com

Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Bob Plageman – Treasurer
Dan Dawdy – Member
Rick Liebich – Member
Michael Walter – Member
Sam Shumaker – Past President
David Vaughn – Advisor
John Wubbel – Chair 2020 SONC

The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:04 pm CDT.

The minutes of the June Meeting were approved with all yea votes.

The Secretary’s Report: There are 189 paid members for 2019. All new membership info is being forwarded to Dan Dawdy. $301.66 was sent to our bank account from PayPal. Dan suggested we post these monthly board Meeting minutes on our website. The idea was unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance – June 10, 2019 $8,147.06
Income $75.22 $476.66
Expenses $204.24 ($234.50)
Ending Balance – July 8, 2019 $8,389.22

Motions were made and seconded to approve both reports. Both received all yea votes.

Old business: The proposed 2020 Joint NMRA/SONC in St Louis was discussed at length. John Wubbel has received no info from the NMRA. Rick Liebich has had no luck either in talking to them. Many details must be agreed upon such as location and price of our booth space, price of tickets to visit both shows, and other financial matters. David Vaughn invited John Wubbel to meet with the members of the 2018 SONC committee to get their advice. We must have our plans firmed up before meeting with the NMRA. It must be done soon so we can get the word out to O Scalers in a timely manner. Further delay could spell disaster.

OSK presence at the RPM meet in Collinsville, IL at the end of July depends on recruiting volunteers. That city is also being considered as a back-up, should the joint OSK/NMRA meet not work out.

August 10th Strasburg Meet. David Vaughn is going to attend and will pass out our literature and promote our organization.

Dan stated that RMC is the best all scale magazine and good for O Scalers. It was suggested that we emulate what S Scale did a couple of issues ago with a several page spread about their hobby. We will need articles and ads but it should be well worth the effort.

We need more information on our Members Only section of our website. Send your items to Dan. Dan was praised for the State of O Scale Survey published in his O Scale Resource magazine. That’s kind of information we need on our website. We also need to keep working on our resource list of O Scale products available.

Our OSK meeting at the September Indy meet will be at 8:00 am Saturday morning.

We still need to recruit large inventory vendors to offer discounts to our members.

Bruce feels we need to double down on recruiting for July and August.- Every member, get a member.

Our next meeting will be Monday, August 12th at 8:00 pm CDT.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm CDT.


George Wallace