Minutes of the Board Meeting, December 8, 2019
The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com
Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Dan Dawdy – Member
Rick Liebich – Member
Rod Miller – Advisor
John Wubbel – 2020 SONC Chairman
The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:06 CST
The minutes of the November Meeting were approved with all yea votes.
The Secretary’s Report: There are 207 paid members for 2019, 66 for 2020, 33 for 2021,
16 for 2022, and 4 for 2023.
The Treasurer’s Report: Prepared by the Secretary.
Bank balance – September 30, 2019 $6,889.59
Income – bank interest $0.02
Expenses -$212.00
Bank Balance – November 30, 2019 $6,677.61
Owed OSK by PayPal $277.68
Balance as of December 8, 2019 $6,955.29
Motions were made and seconded to approve both reports. Both received all yea votes.
2020 SONC – John Wuppel reported that the NMRA needs a list of O Scale vendors. All our
vendors will be in the same room which has been increased in size to 10,000 sq ft at a rent
of about $1,000. The OSK welcome party will be for the general public, non-alcoholic and
snack foods only. Location, time and prices to be determined. Brian Huang and Jim Canter
will have their modular layouts on display as nothing sells 2-Rail like seeing our trains running.
It is too late to order a Convention car, but Rod Miller offered his remaining stock of O Scale
West high quality cars.
Future SONC fund. Several items were suggested to sell at the National, other major shows
and the website. Items such as OSK equpment decals, cups, caps and, three inch railroad
medallions made by John Wubbel.
The Railroad Model Craftsman insert. John contacted the vendors to get their input into a
catalog of O Scale vendors as part of the insert. We need to finalize this project.
O Scale Shows: Dan Dawdy has decided to put on the Indy Show again in 2020. He was
impressed by the number of young people interested in our hobby. The Chicago March Meet
will probably continue though there’s been no confirmation from Judy Hill. Most shows have
seen a reduction in the number of vendors and attendees unfortunately.
Artwork for our smaller shows. Please send any artwork you think may have value for use on
a tri-fold display to Bruce Blackwood.
Board of Directors Election. So far there are only two volunteers to run for office. Time is
running out, please try to enlist nominees.
Dues increase. Please spread the word of Bruce’s offer of $10 dues for 2020 and 2021. Stress
the fact that dues will increase to $24 annually on January 1, 2020.
Our next meeting will be Monday, January 13, 2020.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm CDT.
George Wallace