Minutes of the Board Meeting, August 12, 2019

The Meeting conducted by freeconferencecall.com

Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary
Dan Dawdy – Member
Rick Liebich – Member
Mike Walter – Member
Sam Shumaker – Past President
Dan Mason -Law Advisor
Rod Miller – Advisor
David Vaughn – Advisor
John Wubbel – Chair 2020 SONC

The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:01 CDT

The minutes of the July Meeting were approved.

The Secretary’s Report: There are 192 paid members for 2019. The Monthly Meeting Minutes are now being posted to our website.

The Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Plageman, our Treasurer, was hospitalized this past weekend with some kind of virus, so bad that he is quarantined. While he recovers, I have assumed the duties of treasurer. I
obtained copies of our bank statements with the assistance of Rod Miller and reconciled
our figures with the statements. The figures below are the approved report corrected for a
double entry of our savings account money.

Beginning balance – July 8, 2019 $7,814.85
Income $75.22 $10.01
Expenses $204.24 -$167.50
Ending Balance – August 12, 2019 $7,657.36

Motions were made and seconded to approve both reports. Both received all yea votes.

Old Business:
The Strasburg meet. Bruce was there selling and John Wubbel was promoting the 2020 SONC. John recruited a very promising young modeler to his staff and recruited
two dues payers.

The lack of recruiting results by board members was discussed. Bruce had
several recommendations for getting serious about the job.

Rick suggested that we become the New Walthers Catalog listing everyone that’s an O Scale vendor. Dan Dawdy volunteered to enter such a list on the website if we would all submit the information. Bruce, Mike, Rick and myself volunteered to send in at least ten vendors info each per month. The list would include a standard listing of contact info and possibly limited listing of goods and services. David suggested we get vendor lists from train shows. The timely update of the list may require hiring professional help. The list, for members only, would be a strong enticement to join our group

New Business:
Recruiting. Dan Dawdy suggested we send a mass e-mailing using our master membership
list to all who have ever been members, also mass magazine marketing to get all members
to renew annually. Dan Mason reminded us of the “by laws” membership committee and
to get it functioning. They are needed to get our long time O Scalers to work to work like
young modelers.

Do we want to do a survey similar to the one Dan did in O Scale Resource magazine. To be

2020 SONC. John Wuffel reported that the planning conferenced hosted at David’s house was a good starting point with many ideas offered to help the executive committee. Only one contact has been made with NMRA so far but it was encouraging. There will be a 2020 meeting at the Indianapolis show. The 2020 Meet was promoted at the NMRA National, The St Louis RPM meet, and there will be a blurb in Dan’s magazine. Major advertising will wait until things are firmed up. Suggestions are welcome for conducting the O Scale Model Contest and for subjects desired for clinics.

Our next meeting will be Monday, September 9th at 8:00 pm CDT.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm CDT.


George Wallace