O Scale Central


Keep track on what is happening in OS2R. Get layout tours and short clinics. Hear News You Can Use. Tune into cutting edge interviews with people who are making news in OS2R.

Tune into cutting edge interviews with people who are making news in OS2R. Zoom in on O Scale Central Online.

Monthly programs which take place at 4:00 pm eastern time on the third Sunday every month unless there is a conflict, e.g. March Meet.

The next program will be: Sunday July 21, 2024 at 4pm EST (the next meeting is on August 18, 2024. Mark your calendars)

The Zoom invitation includes a one-click link for the program:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2745160415?pwd=TkJGMzBkWmJvazVJZGZwWTJwV1M5dz09&omn=88272871467      Or click here.

Meeting ID: 274 516 0415

Passcode: 640611

The July 21st program will include:

This month’s program will include:

  • A layout tour of Warner Clark’s Noblesville, Indiana Nickel Plate P48 layout. This jewel box of a layout has been widely photographed there has been no tour – up until now.
  • Dan Dawdy, editor and publisher of O Scale Resource, will then take us inside of OSR, from its founding and growth to the way it operates now and what Dan sees as the future of OSR and of OS2R. Smart guy. Thinks a lot about the future. Don’t miss it.
  • Atlanta and the South has been an active region for OS2R. The Atlanta O Scale Club has broken ground on a brand new building to house a new layout. O Scale South is an annual show with a lot of energy. Dan Mason, a sparkplug for both the Atlanta Club building and O Scale South (and OSC’s legal advisor – thanks, Dan!) , will tell us all about what is happening below the Mason-Dixon Line.
  • We will also have a report from the St. Louis Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet, where OSC will have shown Jim Canter’s 8×16 sectional P48 layout, O Scale modelers will be bringing OS2R models to display and OSC members will be talking up 2-Rail O at the Meet’s learning tables. If we get information in time, we will also announce new releases coming from Atlas. All this on July 21s
  • News You Can Use
  • Your questions, announcements and mutual help requests are always welcome!


OSC supports OS2R. We need help to push forward. This is a great time to support your scale and become a part of OSC leadership. We welcome Greg Viggiano as Coordinator for O Scale Central Online programs and Ryan Schawyer as Social Media Coordinator to raise OS2R visibility, generate content and interact, an Outreach Coordinator to build OS2R presence at train shows, NMRA meetings and RPM meets and a Video Editor to work on online programming. Be part of the action. Support OS2R. We can provide training and support. Interested? Email VP Eric Peterson, ericpet@gmail.com.

Check out the O Scale Product and Service Guide ® at OScaleCentral.com. Searchable. Free to use. Free to be listed.
Support your scale: Check out OScaleCentral.com.



Categories: News