The O Scale Central mission statement:
“Promote O scale 2 rail modeling

That’s it in the simplest form.

So, the real question is how do we do that?

Over the last 6 to 7 weeks, I’ve been asked repeatedly 2 questions about the O Scale Central and membership therein. The first question shows more thought. It is something along the lines of what do the O Scale Central do and some even get specific and ask point blank — what is your mission statement?  This has been written about, debated and kicked down the road. Sometimes, even forgotten in years past. I don’t think it’s a big secret that the O scale Central by some measurable standards has died out.

Let’s deal with the mission statement first. It is simply:

“We promote O Scale 2 Rail modeling”

with that being OW5, proto 48, ON2, ON3, ON30 any other 2 rail 1:48 scale modeling. Now don’t get feeling left out if you’re 3 rail. We welcome you to our membership!  Dues special is just $10 bucks for you.  ( This will not last ) But don’t be surprised if we are not apologetic about trying to convert you to 2 rail scale modeling. As most of you know my wife and I owned a brick-and-mortar hobby shop for a couple of decades and sold our fair amount of three rail trains. I found it worthy of note that over the years the closer these models came to  O scale quarter-inch dimensions with scale detail,  the more demand that product commanded. I had quite a few three rail operators that mounted Kadee couplers on their three rail cars and locomotives. Some would also run more scale wheelsets. If this fits into your engineers seat, we are looking for you! Come join us. Yes, O Scale 2 Railers  understand the debt of gratitude we owe to the three rail community for making many of our two rail treasures available to us.

Second: What do we do? Here are some of things that we’re doing or implementing in the near future.

OSK’s have been and are reviewing O Scale 2 Rail 1/4” Standards which are adopted by the NMRA and used by Manufacturers.

We are developing a mentoring program to provide all members with access to experts that can help you increase your skill base and knowledge of prototypes. We hope to have a program that will provide education expertise and guidance to O scale quarter-inch modelers

We are working on building an exchange of membership information to help build friendships and to exchange information.

We are working on a program to have our members suggest to manufacturers what models they would buy.

The OSK’s has recently decided to take ownership of the Hall of Fame program. And in so doing hope that our members will suggest possible nominees for the O Scale Hall of Fame. We have decided to change our method of voting from the open ballot at the Chicago March meet to an online vote by MEMBERS of the O Scale Central. This just seems to be fairer and will enable us to receive votes from those who cannot make it to the Chicago show.

The OSK’s also tries to promote having an annual  O scale national convention. ( SONC — Scale O National Convention ). There’s nothing like the motivation that comes with the national convention being in your backyard to get you to finish much work on your layout and models.

OSK’s plan to promote O Scale 2 rail modeling via our website. Please check it out! We are going to have a brand-new website shortly.

It’s a heck of a deal for 10 bucks.

OSK’s will also promote O Scale 2 Rail by displaying our professional booth across the country.

AND MORE! Check our website!

What does my $10.00 get me?

Here is just a few:

A voice in products which meet Up to Date Standards

A mentoring program to help you develop and improve modeling skills and Building Confidence.

Knowledge so that you can support Manufacturers who are committed to developing Products desired and needed by O Scale 2 Rail Modelers.

Help to ensure that O Scale 1/4” Model Railroading is enjoyed by future generations of modelers.

Opportunities for you to share your passion with others by promoting in an organized way love for O scale 2 Rail modeling.

Friendship and member info exchange.

You can find people in the same area as you or with the same likes and dislikes.

It opens doors to new opportunities and friendships as you travel around.

Opportunities to meet lots of people all over the country and world

Leadership opportunities … The Board of Directors hold office for 2 years with half replaced each year. The President is voted on each 2 years with a 2 term limit.

PLEASE run for office …. We always want new officers with fresh ideas.

MOST OF ALL, The present leadership team wants and needs your input. We are voted in to make the OSK’s what you want it to be.


Bruce B. Blackwood,
February 2019

And please, feel free to email me your thoughts. Click Here.