Last name First name Street address City State Zip Country Home Phone Cell Phone Contact Preference NMRA Member Gauge Layout Visitors Special Intrests Image Loaded Walter Michael 6700 MEADOW HAVEN DR FORT WORTH TX 76132 United States 18173461644 18178001644 Cell Phone Yes O Standard Yes Yes Transition period, no specific railroad Dawdy Dan 407 East Chippewa St Dwight IL 60420 United States 18155841577 8152632849 No O Standard Yes Yes I like trains Peterson Eric 12439 Pebble Knoll Way, 12439 Pebble Knoll Way Carmel IN 46033-8236 United States 317-947-4829 904-607-7035 Home Phone Yes O Standard Yes Yes I model using Traditional O Scale 2 rail focused on CSX and predecessors back to steam. My layout is built in sections and expanded to 19' x 41' from 19' x 25' after moving from Jacksonville, FL in 2017. This is the 5th basement I have used for OS2R after moving from the second garage. My layout is now operating using DCC and I have upgraded lighting and changing some motors wen adding TSU-4400 decoders. As part of rewiring I am preparing to add TCS signals for train operation using CMRI technology. My railroad work experience gives me a focus on prototype practice. Peterson Eric 12439 Pebble Knoll Way, 12439 Pebble Knoll Way Carmel IN 46033-8236 United States 3179474829 9046077035 Home Phone Yes Yes Yes Second try to post to test site.