O Scale Central, Inc.
11937 Stratford Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Minutes of the Board Meeting, May 11, 2020
The Meeting was conducted by freeconferencecall.com
Members in Attendance: Bruce Blackwood – President
George Wallace – Secretary (Briefly)
Joe Norman – Treasurer
Dan Dawdy – Member
Richard Donaway – Member
Brian Huang – Member
Mike Walter – Member
Nick Bulgarino – Advisor
Rick Liebich – Advisor
David Vaughn – Advisor
The meeting was called to order by the President at about 8:01 pm CDT
The minutes of the April Meeting were approved with all yea votes.
The Secretary’s Report: George – There are 121 paid members for 2020, 65 for 2021,
19 for 2022, 7 for 2023 and 1 for 2024. Due to my late report there was no vote taken to approve.
The Treasurer’s Report: Joe.
Wells Fargo
Bank Balance 3/31/2020 $7,707.78
Deposits: Interest 0.01
Bank Balance 4/30/2020 $7,707.79
RCB Bank
Bank Balance 3/31/2020 $1,145.05
Deposits: Dues/misc $206.00
Cars VC $240.00
Hill Family Painting $50.00
Expenses: Checks & Payments: -$456.47
PayPal Fees -$15.04
Bank Balance 4/30/2020 $1,169.54
Total Both Banks Balance $8,877.33
Deposits in Transit: Due from PayPal $24.00
Expenses Due: Outstanding Checks -$1,075.19
OSK Balance 5/11/2020 $7,826.14
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. It received
all yea votes.
Old Business:
There is still a chance that somebody may make a run at the Chicago show but
nothing is firm.
We still have one of the venture capital cars left but we have a commitment to buy it.
Bruce is still looking for board members to submit articles for the “what’s on my workbench”
project and for artwork for our tabletop/trifold displays.
Terry Terrance donated a TV stand that is stored at David Vaughn’ house. The 32″ flatscreen TV
we authorized is being stored by Bruce.
David Vaughn reported on O Scale Central. We need to reach out to all members for help with
local shows.
New Business:
Although not present, we welcomed Matt Norby as the 2021 convention chair, Rich Randall
as the modular project manager and Nick Bulgarino, who was in attendance, as an advisor on
the O Scale Central project.
Several minutes were spent discussing a new blog to be headed up by Nick who accepted that
assignment. We talked about displays at future shows, which shows might be of interest for
promoting and how we could tie our modules into that. We decided that there would be a
general membership meeting at the Indy show, if held in September, at 8:00 am Saturday Morning.
Our next meeting will be Monday, June 8, 2020 at 8:00 pm CDT.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 pm CDT.
George Wallace
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